It's time to prepare, just like the football player that pulls up his socks and fastens his cleets, or the pilot that reviews the plan and all the procedures before the flight, I too repeat my habits and go through my checklists.
The cameras and lenses are set, the batteries are all charging, the memory cards are wiped and ready to store new images of the unique moments that are coming. :)
I always like the anticipation that I feel before days like these. The will to make good photographs stimulates the imagination and I try to imagine the spaces where I'll be and the images I can create.
I want to be well rested, with eye wide open, to pay attention to the details, the expressions, the laughs and the half-hidden tears. I want to get it all so that those who life that day may relive it, and feel those emotions again, each time they open and look at their photo album.
I enjoy the thought that on one given day in the future, the people that I photograph will look at their photos and will be happy, certain that they made a good choice in having me there on such a special day.
So here I am preparing and working to be deserving of that confidence from those that believe in me and in what I can do.