It was a hot day around Lisbon, the one that Marta and Ricardo got married on. This wedding was a bit different for me because I hadn't had the chance to be with the bride and groom in person until the wedding day. We had talked on Skype but since they were a bit further away we didn't have the opportunity of meeting for a chat as I usually do.
However, any concern I might have had quickly dissipated after being with each of them for about 5 minutes during the preparations on that day. :)
They were both in great moods and excited about the wedding!
The interactions with the people around them easily showed that they are both relaxed and playful people.
Maybe that's why that they decided their wedding decorations should be connected with retro console and PC games, something that I really like too, as the proud owner of a Sega Genesis since about 1991, and the fact that, despite my age, I still play computer games. :P
Who thinks of making a "save the date" on a floppy disk? Marta and Ricardo, that's who!
Their ceremony was at the Igreja de São João de Deus in the center of Lisbon and it was full of relatives and friend that shared in the happiness and emotions of the bride and groom.
After that we went up close to the Cristo Rei on the south side of the river Tejo, to the panoramic tent, that has an phenomenal view! It's not every weekend that you get to be in a place where you can make romantic photos with the entire city of Lisbon as your back drop. One has to take advantage of that!
The party was crazy with lots of toasts, lots of hugs, birthdays, memory lapses (yes, the little bride and groom for the cake didn't attend the party, they were there with the help of a cell phone), but above all there was fun until the end of the night.
I can only wish that Marta and Ricardo keep partying it up together for a very very long time! :)
Here are the photos so you can have a look.